Friday, October 24, 2008

Rock Band Fun

Last night played Rock Band for a few hours and I thought I'd blog about it. If you have not played this game yet, what is taking you so long????

For those who have either lived under a rock for the last year or aren't from this planet, Rock Band incorporates two guitars, a drum set, and a microphone to create a "Band". As a group you play any number of popular (or not so popular) songs in an effort to earn points or unlock additional songs. Each player has to play their instrument to match corresponding color blocks on the screen that match the beat of the music. Your difficulty level determines how frequently the blocks come down the screen or, as an added twist, different color combinations are used. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about:

Its a great opportunity to have friends over and collectively live childhood dreams of being rock stars. I can sometimes get a little carried away with the drums I'll admit, but its all in good fun.

In between rock out sessions, I was able to catch this weeks episode of The Office. I would call this episode a foul tip, as there was some funny parts, but over all I don't feel it was a great episode. I really don't get why they are throwing in a subtle drama between Pam and Jim, making it appear like they'll break up because Pam is living in New York. I also didn't like them bringing Roy back into this episode. Sure he was all nice and stuff, but come on, lets leave him out of the show. Speaking of leaving out of the show, Ryan should find a spot on the bench. Just because he's a writer for the show doesn't me he should be allowed to write himself back into the show. I do find Michael's man crush on him some what amusing, but its getting a little over played. I will admit, however, I found it funny when Ryan ducked for cover with the CFO walked in the door.

Did anyone catch the SNL Thursday Update after The Office? I love seeing Will Farrell, so seeing him play George Bush caught my attention. Tina Fey looks just like Sarah Palin, so cool!! The Ryan Sandberg clip was also quite amusing. If you didn't get a chance to watch, here is a link to Hulu... LINK

I believe that will conclude my blogging adventures for the week. I hope to post tomorrow after the BYU game!



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